How to hire employees in South Africa

Shraddha Saxena
Dive into the essentials of hiring in South Africa, offering access to a diverse and skilled workforce in sectors like mining, technology, and finance, ideal for businesses looking to expand or establish a presence in a dynamic market.

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South Africa's diverse and talented workforce presents a compelling proposition for businesses seeking skilled professionals across various industries. Renowned for its expertise in sectors such as information technology, engineering, and renewable energy, South Africa offers a rich pool of skilled individuals ready to contribute to organizational success.

The country's labor market combines proficiency and affordability, making it an attractive destination for businesses looking to optimize costs while accessing top-notch talent. South Africa's commitment to education and skill development ensures a steady supply of competent professionals, particularly in emerging fields crucial for innovation and growth. With a favorable business environment and a diverse talent pool, South Africa offers a promising landscape for businesses seeking sustainable growth and success.

How to hire employees in South Africa

What you need to know before hiring employees in South Africa

Job market in South Africa

South Africa's dynamic labor market presents abundant opportunities for skilled professionals seeking rewarding careers.

  • Despite challenges, the country's resilient workforce and vibrant industries offer a promising landscape for employers.
  • With an unemployment rate of around 30 percent, South Africa boasts a large pool of talented individuals eager to contribute to organizational success.
  • Deep-rooted income inequality is gradually being addressed through initiatives promoting diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunities for all.
  • The country's Gini score of 63 in 2021 reflects ongoing efforts to create a more equitable and inclusive society.
  • South Africa's diverse workforce, including highly skilled Black South Africans, contributes to the richness of its talent pool.
  • Over 50 percent of jobless individuals in 2023 had an education level below matric, highlighting the potential for upskilling and training programs to unlock their talents.
  • Despite past economic challenges, South Africa's industries, especially community and social services and trade, demonstrate resilience and offer numerous employment opportunities.
  • Female employment is significant in sectors like community and social services, indicating a commitment to gender diversity and empowerment in the workplace.
  • Professionals in sectors such as retail, trade, and financial services enjoy competitive salaries, making South Africa an attractive destination for talent acquisition.

By addressing unemployment, income inequality, and investing in skills development, South Africa is poised for sustainable growth, making it an ideal location for businesses seeking skilled and motivated employees.

South Africa Hiring Trends

  • In 2024, South Africa's hiring landscape reflects a dynamic interplay of economic dynamics, regulatory frameworks, and demographic shifts. 
  • Despite grappling with persistent challenges such as high unemployment rates, the formal non-agricultural sector witnessed consistent growth in average monthly salaries, surpassing 26,000 South African rands by November 2022. Notable increases in minimum wage, surging by 9.6 percent in March 2023, aimed to mitigate income disparities.
  • Executive and change management roles emerged as the highest-paid professions, commanding an average yearly salary of 74,000 U.S. dollars, followed closely by retail, trade, and craft positions at 66,000 U.S. dollars annually. 
  • However, unemployment remains a pressing concern, particularly among Black South Africans, with rates nearing 37 percent in the second quarter of 2023. Youth unemployment, hovering around 50.47 percent in 2023, poses significant challenges as well.
  • Despite these hurdles, total employment displayed an upward trajectory, reaching nearly 18.9 million individuals in 2023.
  • These trends underscore the imperative for targeted hiring strategies, skill development initiatives, and inclusive employment practices to nurture sustainable growth and address socio-economic disparities in South Africa.

How to hire employees from South Africa 

1. Set up an entity in the country

Setting up an entity in South Africa involves several steps. First, decide on the type of entity, such as a private company, public company, or branch office. Then, register the business with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) and obtain a tax registration number from the South African Revenue Service (SARS). Open a business bank account, comply with labor laws, and secure any necessary licenses or permits. Additionally, appoint a company secretary and directors, draft a memorandum of incorporation, and ensure compliance with the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) Act if applicable. Regularly monitor legal and regulatory changes to maintain compliance.

2. Hire independent contractors

Hiring independent contractors in South Africa involves engaging individuals or businesses through contractual agreements for particular tasks or projects. This arrangement offers flexibility, particularly suitable for short-term assignments or specific project requirements. However, accurately classifying workers is essential to prevent legal issues and potential fines. 

Independent contractors may not demonstrate the same level of commitment or loyalty as full-time, in-house employees, which warrants careful consideration. 

Businesses must ensure compliance with relevant labor laws, tax regulations, and any industry-specific requirements when engaging independent contractors to mitigate risks and maintain positive working relationships.

3. Partner with an EOR in the country

Partnering with an EOR service such as Gloroots provides a straightforward avenue for entering the South African market, circumventing the complexities of establishing a legal entity. This strategy substantially reduces liabilities and proves cost-effective. 

Teaming up with an EOR also ensures strict compliance with South African labor laws, tax obligations, and regulations, thereby minimizing legal risks and ensuring seamless business operations. Evaluating the expertise, reputation, and tailored services of potential EOR partners is crucial for a smooth and compliant entry into the South African market.

Compliance risk while hiring in South Africa 

Navigating compliance risk when hiring in South Africa entails ensuring adherence to labor laws, employment equity regulations, and industry-specific requirements. Failure to comply can result in legal penalties, reputational damage, and operational disruptions. Employers must conduct thorough due diligence, verify employee eligibility, and implement fair and non-discriminatory hiring practices. Staying abreast of legislative updates and engaging legal expertise can mitigate compliance risks and foster a positive work environment conducive to sustainable growth.

Key Aspects of South African Labor Law

Employment Contract:

An employment contract in South Africa is a legally binding agreement between an employer and an employee, as defined under the Basic Conditions of Employment Act of 1997 (BCEA). This contract outlines essential terms such as job responsibilities, contract duration, salary, working hours, and leave entitlements. It ensures all terms comply with the BCEA, providing protections like equal benefits for fixed-term and indefinite contracts. The contract may also include a probationary period to assess the employee's suitability for the role. It’s crucial for employment contracts in South Africa to not contain any provisions less favorable than those specified in the BCEA.

Working Hours:

In South Africa, the maximum length of the standard workweek is capped at 45 hours, with no more than 9 hours worked per day.


  • Overtime is mandatory if employees exceed the standard 45-hour workweek, with a cap of 10 extra hours per week.
  • Employees earning below 205,433.30 ZAR annually are compensated at 1.5 times their regular rate for weekday overtime and double the rate for weekend overtime.
  • Employees earning above 254,371.67 ZAR annually are not eligible for overtime pay.
  • Employment contracts cannot include clauses that bundle overtime with regular salary; overtime must be paid separately and clearly accounted for.

Minimum Wage:

The hourly minimum wage in South Africa stands at 27.58 ZAR.

Payroll laws in South Africa

In South Africa, the payroll cycle is not standardized and varies according to the terms set within each employment contract. It is mutually agreed upon by the employee and employer and can be structured on a monthly, weekly, or bi-weekly basis, depending on what is specified in the employment agreement.

Employment benefits in South Africa

Leave Policies in South Africa

1. Paid Time Off:

In South Africa, a full-time employee is guaranteed a minimum of 21 consecutive days (15 working days) of paid annual leave. This leave accrues at a rate of 1.25 days for each month worked, equivalent to one day for every 17 days worked. Any unused leave can be carried over to the following year.

2. Public Holidays:

In South Africa, for the year 2024, there are a total of 12 public holidays recognised. These include both fixed holidays, such as New Year’s Day on January 1st and moveable holidays, like Youth Day on June 16th, which is observed with an additional day off on June 17th when it falls on a Sunday, as per the policy that when a public holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday is a public holiday in lieu.

3. Sick Days:

In South Africa, employees are entitled to sick leave paid at their regular rate. Over a three-year cycle, those working a 5-day week accumulate 30 sick days, while those on a 6-day week accrue 36 days. During the first six months of employment, employees earn one day of sick leave for every 26 days worked. Full entitlement begins in the seventh month, with any sick leave taken during the initial six months deducted from the total cycle. Unused sick days expire at the end of the three-year period, and a new cycle begins. Additionally, a medical certificate is required if an employee is absent for more than two consecutive days.

4. Maternity Leave:

Under South African labor law, pregnant employees are entitled to four months of unpaid maternity leave, starting as early as four weeks before the expected due date and extending until at least six weeks post-delivery. This applies to employees working over 24 hours a month. Employees contributing to the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) may receive maternity benefits up to 60% of their usual salary, capped at 121 days.

A recent High Court ruling in October 2023 expanded parental leave to four months for all parents, including adoptive parents of children under two years old, irrespective of gender. Although still under review, many employers have already begun to implement this policy.

5. Paternity Leave:

In South Africa, new parents including fathers, adoptive parents, and surrogates are entitled to various forms of parental leave :

  • Parental Leave: All new parents are entitled to 10 consecutive calendar days of leave following the birth or custody of a child.
  • Adoption Leave: Parents adopting a child under the age of 2 are eligible for 10 consecutive weeks of leave. In cases where there are two adoptive parents, one parent can take the adoption leave while the other may opt for the regular parental leave.
  • Commissioning Parental Leave: In surrogate motherhood arrangements, the primary parent, known as the commissioning parent, is entitled to 10 consecutive weeks of leave. If there are two commissioning parents, one takes the commissioning parental leave and the other the standard 10 days of parental leave.

All these leave types are unpaid, but parents can claim benefits from the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) covering 66% of their earnings, up to a maximum threshold, provided they have at least 13 weeks of continuous service.

Public Health Insurance 

In South Africa, public health insurance is primarily managed through the government-funded National Health Insurance (NHI) scheme, which is designed to provide all South African citizens and legal residents access to essential healthcare services regardless of their employment status and income. 

The NHI aims to create a more equitable and unified health system by pooling funds to provide comprehensive healthcare services to all, ensuring that everyone has access to quality medical services. While still in phases of implementation, the NHI seeks to eventually cover a wide range of health services from primary care to more specialized treatments, reducing the reliance on private health insurance.

Filing tax in South Africa

Income Tax:

In South Africa, income tax rates are progressive, starting from 18% for lower income levels. As income increases, the tax rate escalates through various brackets, reaching up to 45% for the highest earners. Additionally, there are annual tax rebates available, with the primary rebate starting at 17,235 ZAR, and increased rebates for older age groups. The tax thresholds also vary by age, offering relief for those 65 and older. For a more detailed exploration of South Africa’s tax brackets and specific rates without extensive numerical details, please refer to our comprehensive guide.

Other Tax and Social Security Contributions:

In South Africa, both employers and employees face specific payroll contributions designed to fund social and developmental programs. Employers are required to pay into the Skills Development Levy and Unemployment Insurance Fund, each at a rate of 1.00%. They also contribute variably to the Workers' Compensation Fund, which depends on the job's risk level. Employees contribute 1.00% towards Unemployment Insurance. 

Overall, these contributions ensure support for skill development, unemployment insurance, and workers' compensation, adding to the total employment cost which is modest yet vital for workforce support and development. For a detailed breakdown of these contributions, refer to our comprehensive guide.

Business culture in South Africa

  • Embrace the rich cultural diversity and promote inclusion to enhance productivity and cohesion within the workplace.
  • South African businesses are typically hierarchical. Respect for authority and seniority is crucial, with decision-making often concentrated at higher levels.
  • Establishing trust through personal relationships is vital. Initial meetings often start with casual conversation before progressing to business matters.
  • Clear and polite communication is valued. Being straightforward while maintaining professionalism helps in building effective business relations.
  • While there is a general appreciation for punctuality, flexibility in time management is practiced, especially in less formal settings.

Top sectors to hire from in South Africa

Technology and IT

As digital transformation accelerates across the globe, South Africa has seen a surge in demand for IT professionals. Key areas include Software Development, Cyber Security, Data Science and Analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Cloud Computing. The push towards remote work arrangements post-COVID-19 has particularly heightened the need for cybersecurity expertise to secure digital infrastructures


This sector remains a cornerstone of the South African economy, especially civil, electrical, and mechanical engineering. Engineers are crucial for driving ongoing infrastructure projects and innovations in both traditional industries and new technology-driven fields.

Financial Services

With a focus on improving health services and expanding access, there is a growing demand for medical professionals, healthcare administrators, and specialists in emerging health technologies. The healthcare sector's expansion is aimed at addressing both public health challenges and advancing medical research and development.


With a focus on improving health services and expanding access, there is a growing demand for medical professionals, healthcare administrators, and specialists in emerging health technologies. The healthcare sector's expansion is aimed at addressing both public health challenges and advancing medical research and development.

Top cities to hire from South Africa


As the financial heart of the country, Johannesburg is a prime location for professionals in finance, mining, and commerce. It hosts numerous multinational corporations and provides a rich pool of talent in these sectors.

Cape Town

Known for its innovative tech scene, Cape Town is often referred to as the "Silicon Cape." It is a top destination for hiring in the technology, creative industries, and tourism sectors, thanks to its thriving start-up culture and scenic allure which attracts top talent.


As one of the major centers of tourism due to its beautiful beaches and vibrant culture, Durban is also a key economic hub, especially for businesses involved in manufacturing and port-related activities, given its role as one of the main ports in Southern Africa.


Serving as the administrative capital, Pretoria is pivotal in the public sector and legal fields. It also has a growing education and research sector, supported by several universities and scientific institutes.

Port Elizabeth

This city is an important center for the automotive industry and boasts robust manufacturing sectors. Port Elizabeth is ideal for hiring in these fields, plus logistics and trade, due to its port facilities.

Hire in South Africa  compliantly with Gloroots

Gloroots, as an Employer of Record (EOR) in South Africa, provides a streamlined approach to the complexities of local hiring. Our EOR platform facilitates rapid onboarding of candidates, ensuring a swift transition to operations while adhering to both local and international compliance standards. Tailored for businesses of any size, it simplifies payroll, benefits administration, and tax compliance, eliminating the need for establishing a local entity. This enables companies to efficiently build and manage a remote team in South Africa. For more details on how Gloroots can support your South African hiring initiatives, please contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions 

1. What are the key legal requirements for hiring employees in South Africa?

In South Africa, employers must comply with various legal obligations when hiring employees. These include registering with the South African Revenue Service (SARS) for tax purposes, adhering to the Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA) regarding working hours, leave, and termination procedures, as well as ensuring compliance with the Labour Relations Act (LRA) concerning fair labor practices and dispute resolution.

2. How can I ensure diversity and inclusion in my hiring process in South Africa?

Promoting diversity and inclusion in the hiring process is crucial in South Africa. To achieve this, employers should implement fair and unbiased recruitment practices, actively seek candidates from diverse backgrounds, provide equal opportunities for all applicants, and offer training on diversity awareness to employees involved in the hiring process. Additionally, creating a workplace culture that values diversity and inclusion is essential for attracting and retaining a diverse workforce.

3. What are the typical steps involved in the recruitment process in South Africa?

The recruitment process in South Africa usually involves several stages, starting with identifying the staffing needs and defining the job requirements. This is followed by advertising the job vacancy through various channels, such as online job boards, social media, and recruitment agencies. Once applications are received, candidates are screened and shortlisted for interviews. After conducting interviews and assessments, a final selection is made, and job offers are extended to successful candidates. It's important for employers to communicate effectively with applicants throughout the process and provide feedback, even to unsuccessful candidates.

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