How to hire employees in France

Shraddha Saxena
Struggling to navigate France's complex hiring landscape? Uncertain about legal requirements and cultural nuances? Our comprehensive guide provides expert insights and strategies to streamline your hiring process, ensuring you attract top talent effortlessly.

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France shines globally in technology, fashion, and gastronomy, blending artistic creativity with engineering precision. Central to Europe, it fosters innovation with government support for digital and sustainable advances, making it a hub for smart cities and renewable energy. Its skilled workforce, strategic location, and state-of-the-art infrastructure offer companies a competitive edge, with cost-effective opportunities in research and development thanks to government incentives. France stands out as an ideal destination for businesses seeking growth and innovation in creative industries or pioneering tech sectors.

What you need to know before hiring employees in France

Job market in France

When delving into effective hiring strategies for France, it’s pivotal to consider key indicators that shed light on its recruitment landscape and compensation paradigms:

  • France’s Global Ranking on Wellbeing and Inequality (GRWI) score of 0.792 provides a window into its socio-economic framework, reflecting on aspects such as health, education, and income distribution. This score indicates France's commitment to fostering an equitable society and a high standard of living, which are attractive qualities for potential employees seeking a balanced lifestyle.
  • In a significant development, the youth unemployment rate in France experienced a decline of 1.8 percentage points, a decrease of -10.3 percent from the previous year, reaching its lowest point in 2023 at 15.68 percent. This downward trend suggests an improving job market for young professionals and represents a ripe opportunity for organizations to tap into the burgeoning talent pool of the younger generation.
  • The workforce distribution in 2021 reveals a minimal percentage, specifically 2.51 percent, employed in agriculture, while a substantial 77.99 percent engaged in the services sector. This distribution underscores the dominance of the service industry in France, highlighting the wealth of opportunities in fields such as finance, technology, healthcare, and tourism. For companies, this means a vast landscape for sourcing service-oriented professionals adept in various disciplines.
  • Moreover, France's impressive standing in ICT infrastructure, ranking 3rd globally, speaks volumes about its advanced technological ecosystem. Coupled with its urbanization rank of 33, France is strategically positioned as a hub for digital innovation and urban development. The advanced ICT infrastructure not only facilitates cutting-edge business operations but also attracts tech-savvy professionals looking to engage in transformative projects.

France Hiring Trends

As we step into 2024, France's hiring dynamics present a complex picture of challenge and opportunity, reflecting a labor market that is evolving amidst global and local economic pressures. This environment demands agility and strategic foresight from employers looking to navigate the currents of talent acquisition and organizational development effectively. The following are the hiring trends in France: 

  • A strategic period of recalibration for businesses, marked by cautious hiring and a focus on aligning strategies with current market conditions, evidenced by a negative Compound Monthly Growth Rate in job postings and closures.
  • Despite contraction, the market remains dynamic, offering opportunities for job seekers and employers, with average figures indicating active recruitment and job closure activities between October 2023 and January 2024.
  • Employers are encouraged to leverage this time to attract top talent by adopting innovative recruitment practices, emphasizing employee development, and offering comprehensive benefits.
  • The necessity for flexible, innovative, and inclusive recruitment practices is highlighted, alongside the importance of fostering a culture that supports continuous learning and career progression.
  • The resilience of France's labor market, supported by advanced ICT infrastructure and its status as a global innovation hub, provides a solid foundation for future recovery and growth, suggesting a promising outlook for employers who adapt and invest in their workforce and technological capabilities during this period.

How to hire employees from France

1. Set up an entity in the country

Establishing a legal entity in France represents a pivotal step for companies aiming to tap into the country's rich economic landscape and foster sustainable growth. Opting for a legal presence in France enables firms to directly oversee operations, ensuring stability, and aligning with compliance standards.

The process entails choosing a fitting business structure, such as a Société à responsabilité limitée (SARL, equivalent to a Limited Liability Company) or a Société par actions simplifiée (SAS, akin to a Simplified Stock Company), followed by registration with the French Commercial Court Registry and the French Tax Authorities.

Understanding France's regulatory framework and business etiquettes is essential, thus seeking advice from local experts and consulting with legal and tax advisors is recommended for a seamless establishment process.

Efficiently managing human resources and payroll is crucial to adhere to French labor laws, which are known for their complexity.

In essence, while the establishment of a legal entity in France opens avenues for business expansion, it necessitates meticulous planning, strict compliance with local laws, and the support of seasoned professionals to navigate the process successfully.

2. Hire independent contractors

Engaging with independent contractors in France allows for agreements with professionals for specific services or projects, offering flexibility especially for short-term needs or specialized tasks. It's critical to ensure accurate classification of workers to avoid legal challenges and penalties associated with misclassification. However, it's worth considering that independent contractors may not have the same level of dedication or loyalty as permanent staff, which could impact certain business objectives.

3. Partner with an EOR in the country

Collaborating with an Employer of Record service, such as Gloroots, offers a straightforward pathway into the French market without the intricacies of establishing a formal legal entity. This approach minimizes liabilities and enhances cost-effectiveness. By working with an EOR, companies can have confidence in their compliance with French employment laws, taxation, and regulatory obligations, thus reducing legal risks and promoting smooth, compliant business operations within France. This method allows businesses to quickly integrate into the French market, leveraging local expertise and resources efficiently.

Employment Laws You Must Know Before Hiring in France

Navigating the complexities of compliance risk while hiring in France is a critical aspect for businesses looking to establish or expand their presence within the French market. France's labor laws are renowned for their rigor and protective stance towards employees, making compliance a central pillar of any successful hiring strategy. Understanding and adhering to these regulations are paramount to mitigate potential legal challenges and financial penalties. Partnering with experts like Gloroots can provide guidance, ensuring a compliant hiring process.

Key Aspects of French Labor Law

Employment Contract:

In France, an employment contract (Contrat de Travail) is a crucial element of the employment relationship, outlining the agreement between an employer and an employee regarding the terms and conditions of employment. The French labor law is protective of employees, and thus, contracts are regulated to ensure fairness and transparency. Here are some key aspects of employment contracts in France:

Types of Contracts

  • CDI (Contrat à Durée Indéterminée): This is a permanent contract without a predetermined end date, offering the highest level of job security.
  • CDD (Contrat à Durée Déterminée): A fixed-term contract used for temporary employment needs. It must specify the reason for its fixed term and cannot be used to replace a permanent employee directly.
  • Apprenticeship and Professionalization Contracts: Aimed at young workers to gain professional qualifications through work and study.

Mandatory Information

A French employment contract must include specific information, such as:

  • Identity of the employer and employee.
  • Job description and location of the workplace.
  • Starting date of the contract.
  • Type of contract (CDI or CDD).
  • For CDD, the duration and the reason for its fixed term.
  • Working hours.
  • Salary and other compensation details.
  • Notice periods and conditions for termination.
  • Reference to applicable collective bargaining agreements.

Working Hours:

In France, the standard workweek is defined by law as 35 hours, applicable across all companies. This regulation aims to balance work and personal life, promoting employee well-being and productivity. Additionally, the working day is limited to a maximum of 10 hours, ensuring that employees are not subject to excessively long workdays.


Overtime work in France is any time worked beyond the standard 35-hour workweek and is subject to additional compensation. This overtime pay is regulated by collective bargaining agreements or individual contracts, typically structured as follows:

1. An additional 25.00% per hour for the first eight hours of overtime (from the 36th to the 43rd hour, inclusive)

2. An additional 50.00% per hour for each hour worked beyond the 43rd hour

This tiered approach to overtime compensation reflects France’s commitment to fairly compensating employees for extended work hours while encouraging employers to manage workloads within the standard workweek where possible.

Minimum Wage:

France enforces a national minimum wage (Salaire Minimum Interprofessionnel de Croissance - SMIC) to ensure that all workers receive fair compensation for their labor. As of the current period, the minimum wage in France is set at 1,747.20 EUR per month. This figure is periodically reviewed and adjusted in line with inflation and living costs, reflecting the country's dedication to maintaining a living wage that supports the economic well-being of its workforce.

Payroll laws in France

Payroll Cycle:

France maintains a monthly payroll cycle, with employee wages paid by the last working day of each month, ensuring predictability for financial planning.

13th Salary:

In France, a 13th salary is customary, typically paid at year-end, acting as a bonus to support employees during periods of higher expenses.

Employment benefits in France

Leave Policies in France

1. Annual Leave (Vacation)

In France, employees are entitled to a minimum of five weeks of paid vacation annually, following a one-month probation period, in addition to public holidays. The vacation year runs from June 1st to May 31st. Workers in the "Cadre" category accrue additional RTT (Réduction du Temps de Travail) days, which are typically to be utilized within the civil year (January 1st to December 31st). These extra leave days often result from collective bargaining agreements.

2. Public Holidays

If public holidays fall on a weekend in France, they are not deferred to another day; thus, they are effectively "lost" for the employee. There are 13 public holidays in France.

3. Sick Days

Sickness benefits, paid by the Social Security office, commence from the fourth day of absence due to illness. It's common for employers to provide additional compensation as detailed in collective or company agreements. After three months of service, employees are entitled to their regular salary for up to 90 days. A medical certificate must be provided to the employer within 48 hours of falling sick.

4. Maternity Leave

Expectant mothers are eligible for up to 16 weeks of maternity leave, extendable under certain conditions (e.g., for a third child or multiple births). Maternity pay, calculated based on the employee's average salary before leave, is disbursed by the Social Security office, provided certain conditions are met, such as a minimum period of affiliation with Social Security and a specific number of hours worked before the leave.

5. Paternity Leave

Paternity leave in France allows for 25 calendar days, following an initial 3-day birth leave paid by the employer. Fathers must take 4 days immediately after birth, with the remaining 21 days available within the child's first six months, either consecutively or in two segments. Social security covers the paternity leave pay, capped at a daily maximum, with eligibility requirements including a minimum period of enrolment with social security.

Filing tax in France

Income Tax:

France's progressive income tax rates range from 0% for incomes up to 11,294 EUR to 45% for incomes above 177,106 EUR. This ensures taxes are aligned with individuals' ability to pay, with rates escalating through specific brackets. For accurate application of tax and social security contributions, considering variances by collective bargaining agreements (CBAs), consulting detailed guidelines or professional advice is recommended.

Other Tax and Social Security Contributions:

In France, payroll contributions by employers and employees cover health, insurance, and pensions, with employers' costs ranging from 31.56% to 54.11% and employees' at 30.23%. Employers fund part of public transport costs for commuting. Income tax rates for employees vary from 0% to 45%. Rates depend on income levels and collective bargaining agreements, reflecting the comprehensive social security system.

Business culture in France

  • Schedule meetings two weeks in advance, avoiding August and public holidays, using email or phone, and ensure punctuality.
  • Exchange business cards upon meeting, including titles and degrees, with cards printed in English or French.
  • Adhere to a formal dress code and respect hierarchical meeting protocols, including structured formats and agendas.
  • Engage in non-confrontational negotiations, expecting logical analysis and formalized agreements.
  • Build long-term personal business networks, keeping business and personal life separate, and value face-to-face interactions.
  • Communicate with courtesy and formality, maintaining directness and eye contact, and prefer using the French language.
  • Observe the hierarchical and centralized business culture, respect the 35-hour workweek, and understand France's regulatory alignment with EU standards.

Top sectors to hire from in France

Agricultural Sector

In France, the agricultural sector employs about 2.51% of the workforce. Though a small percentage, it represents an essential part of the French economy, engaging in diverse activities such as farming, viticulture, and livestock production.

Service Sector

The service sector stands as the backbone of France's employment landscape, employing 77.99% of the workforce. This sector covers a broad spectrum of job opportunities ranging from retail and trade to finance, healthcare, and public administration, highlighting its pivotal role in driving the nation's economic activity.

Top cities to hire from France


Paris stands at the forefront of the European tech scene, boasting an extensive network of tech startups, global tech companies, and incubators. The city's rich talent pool is significantly augmented by world-renowned institutions and a dynamic ecosystem that supports innovation. This makes Paris an attractive hub for businesses looking to tap into a diverse range of professionals, especially in technology, finance, and creative industries.


Recognized as a key player in France's tech and industrial sectors, Lyon offers a robust environment for companies seeking expertise in biotech, software development, and digital media. The city benefits from competitive tax incentives, investment in tech infrastructure, and a strong collaborative network of research institutions and business incubators, nurturing a skilled workforce ready to drive technological innovation.

Hire in France compliantly with Gloroots

In France, Gloroots acts as an Employer of Record (EOR), providing a seamless approach to navigating the intricacies of the French labor market. Our EOR service streamlines the candidate onboarding process, ensuring a smooth transition into operational activities while complying with local and international standards. Tailored for businesses ranging from startups to large corporations, our platform offers a comprehensive solution for payroll, benefits administration, and tax compliance, without the necessity of establishing a local presence. This enables companies to efficiently expand their remote workforce within France. To learn more about how Gloroots can assist with your hiring initiatives in France, please contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How much does it cost to hire an employee in France?

In France, the cost of hiring an employee encompasses the basic salary, additional benefits, contributions to social security, and applicable taxes. Additional expenses might include costs for recruitment advertising, signing bonuses, and the onboarding process. These costs can fluctuate based on the job's location within France, as well as the skill set and experience level of the employee. A comprehensive understanding of these expenses is crucial for proper budgeting and financial planning in the French job market.

2. Where can I hire employees from France?

France's talent can be sourced from major urban centers such as Paris, Lyon, Marseille, and Toulouse, which are especially rich in skilled professionals in sectors like technology, healthcare, and the creative industries. Employers often utilize campus recruitment, job fairs, and online platforms like Pole Emploi, Apec, and LinkedIn to find potential candidates. These cities offer vibrant labor markets ideal for companies looking to assemble a proficient and diverse team.

3. How to find talent in France?

To locate skilled professionals in France, employers can employ a variety of tools and strategies:

  • LinkedIn: An essential platform for professional networking, LinkedIn facilitates job postings and candidate searches within France.
  • Pole Emploi: France's public employment service offers a comprehensive job board, career advice, and recruitment services for both local and international talent.
  • Apec: Specializing in executive and graduate roles, Apec connects employers with a pool of highly qualified candidates.
  • Indeed France: This global job search engine compiles listings across many sectors, making it easier to find suitable candidates.
  • Networking Events: Attending local industry meetups, trade shows, and seminars can help tap into the professional community.
  • University Partnerships: Establishing connections with French universities for campus recruitment can provide a pipeline of young talent.
  • Recruitment Agencies: For specialized roles, working with a recruitment agency can simplify the search for qualified candidates.
  • Employer of Record (EOR) like Gloroots can also simplify the hiring process in France, ensuring compliance with French employment laws and norms.

4. What is the minimum salary for employees in France?

The national minimum wage in France, known as the SMIC (Salaire Minimum Interprofessionnel de Croissance), is set at 1,589.47 euros per month as of 2021. This figure is subject to annual review and adjustment based on economic indicators.

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