Employee Lifetime Value

What is Employee Lifetime Value ?


Employee Lifetime Value (ELTV) measures the total value an employee contributes to an organization throughout their tenure. This concept, mirroring the marketing metric of customer lifetime value, takes a long-term view of an employee's contributions rather than focusing solely on immediate or short-term gains.

Calculating Employee Lifetime Value

To calculate the average ELTV, employers use the formula:

Average ELTV = (Average yearly revenue / Total number of employees) * Average length of an employee’s tenure in years.

This formula provides an average figure for the value each employee brings to the company during their employment. However, it's more general and not as useful for specific HR decisions.

For an individual’s ELTV, estimations are made early in the employment relationship or calculated post-employment, providing insights into an employee's potential or actual value to the organization.

Importance of Employee Lifetime Value

Understanding ELTV is vital for HR departments, especially in competitive hiring markets. It assists in:

  • Optimizing Hiring Investments: ELTV analysis helps determine the potential return on investment from hiring decisions.
  • Justifying HR Initiatives: ELTV can justify the costs of HR activities, like training, team-building events, or employee benefits, by showing their impact on enhancing employee value.

Strategies to Improve Employee Lifetime Value

  • Training and Development: Investing in employee growth improves retention and, consequently, ELTV.
  • Enhancing Company Culture: Fostering an engaging and respectful work environment can boost ELTV by making employees feel valued.
  • Optimizing Onboarding: Streamlining onboarding processes ensures new hires contribute value sooner, enhancing their ELTV.

The Role of ELTV in Business Strategy

ELTV serves as a crucial tool for HR, offering insights into workforce value and guiding decisions to improve overall organizational performance. By tracking ELTV, companies can assess and enhance the impact of their workforce over time.