Remote working Guide

Remote Work: How to Make It Work for Everyone

Remote Work: How to Make It Work for Everyone
Written by
Mayank Bhutoria,
September 12, 2024

Key Takeaways

Keep communication regular but balanced to avoid overwhelming team members with constant updates.

Using the proper software and project management tools ensures smooth remote operations.

Taking breaks and avoiding burnout is essential for long-term productivity and team morale.

Imagine you’re setting out on a new journey. Just like preparing for a long trip, working from home requires planning and the right tools. Whether you’re a student trying to finish assignments, a parent balancing work with family, or a professional leading a team, remote work has become a part of life. But it’s not always as simple as it seems. There are common mistakes people make that can turn this adventure into a bumpy ride. So, how can we make sure we’re on the right path? Let’s dive into some practical tips for mastering remote work.

1. Setting Clear Expectations

Think of remote work like a group project. If everyone doesn’t know what they’re supposed to do, nothing gets done. It’s essential to clearly communicate what’s expected from each team member. Whether it’s a daily task or a long-term goal, everyone should know their role and deadlines. This clarity helps avoid confusion and keeps everyone on track.

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2. Communicating Effectively

In remote work, communication is like the glue that holds everything together. Without regular check-ins, misunderstandings can arise, and team members might feel isolated. It’s important to use various communication tools like video calls, chats, and emails to stay connected. Just like a coach needs to talk to their team to strategize, managers need to communicate with their teams to ensure everyone is aligned.

3. Avoiding Over-Communication

While communication is key, overdoing it can be just as problematic. Imagine your phone buzzing every minute with notifications; it would drive you crazy! The same goes for remote work. Bombarding team members with constant messages or meetings can be overwhelming. Instead, balance is important: set specific times for updates and use quick check-ins rather than long meetings.

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4. Building Team Spirit

Working remotely can sometimes feel lonely, like being the only player on a field. To combat this, teams should make an effort to build a sense of community. This can be as simple as starting meetings with a quick chat or organizing virtual hangouts. These small actions can help create a team environment where everyone feels included and motivated.

5. Managing Without Micromanaging

Nobody likes to be watched constantly, especially when they’re working. Micromanaging can make employees feel distrusted and stressed. Instead, think of a teacher who guides students through a project but doesn’t hover over them every second. Managers should provide support and feedback but trust their teams to complete their tasks.

6. Using the Right Tools

Imagine trying to do a science experiment without the proper equipment; it would be impossible! Remote work is the same. It requires the right tools to be effective. From project management software to communication apps, having the right resources is essential for smooth operations.

7. Considering Time Zones

If you have teammates or classmates in different time zones, it’s like trying to schedule a meeting with people in different countries. It requires planning and flexibility. Make sure to set meeting times that are fair for everyone, and be understanding if someone is a bit groggy or ready for bed.

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8. Prioritizing Well-being

Working from home can blur the lines between work and rest. Imagine if you never left the classroom or the office—it wouldn’t be healthy. It’s crucial to take breaks, stretch, and disconnect after a long day. Employers should encourage this to prevent burnout and keep everyone happy and productive.

9. Celebrating Achievements

Finally, don’t forget to celebrate successes, big or small. Whether it’s finishing a big project or just getting through a tough week, recognizing achievements boosts morale. Think of it like getting a gold star in school—it feels good to know your hard work is appreciated.


Remote work is like navigating a new landscape. With the right approach and tools, it can be a smooth and rewarding experience for everyone. By setting clear expectations, communicating effectively, and prioritizing your team’s well-being, you can ensure that everyone stays engaged and productive. So, gear up and make the most of your remote work adventure!

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Speak to a Gloroots expert today to learn how we can support your remote work journey and help manage your global team effectively. Contact us now to get started!


How can I keep my remote team engaged and motivated?

Encourage team spirit by organizing virtual hangouts, quick team check-ins, and celebrating achievements to create a sense of belonging.

What are the best tools for remote team communication?

Tools like Slack for messaging, Zoom for video calls, and Trello or Asana for project management are excellent for keeping teams connected and organized.

How can I manage a team across different time zones?

Use scheduling tools like World Time Buddy to find suitable meeting times, and respect your team’s time by recording meetings for those who can't attend.

How do I prevent remote work burnout?

Encourage regular breaks, promote a healthy work-life balance, and establish clear working hours to prevent overwork and stress.

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