Global Hiring Guide

9 Must-Know Remote Hiring Tips

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9 Must-Know Remote Hiring Tips
Written by
Mayank Bhutoria,
June 13, 2024

Key Takeaways

While remote working has always existed, the 2020 pandemic catalyzed its adoption among employees and employers. Before the pandemic, only 6% of employees primarily worked remotely. By the end of 2023, the share of remote workers has increased by 25% increase

Considering the global trend of remote hiring, it’s safe to say that remote hiring is here to stay. And why not? It has several benefits for both employees and employers. 

Employees who work remotely encounter fewer social distractions, leading to more productivity. Remote workers  get more flexibility in their schedules, and are able to enjoy better work-life balance. 

Employers may experience lower turnover rates when offering remote work. According to new research by Payscale, employees who can work remotely as needed are 22% less likely to quit than fully remote workers and 32% less likely to quit compared to fully on-site workers. 

However, these benefits have long been realised by both the forces of the talent market. Now competition for remote talent is more cut-throat than ever. It is in light of this, we have written this article on remote hiring tips to help you hire the best remote employees.

9 Remote hiring tips:  A step-by-step guide for hiring remote employees 

1. Identify global talent hubs

The biggest benefit of hiring remote employees is access to the global talent pool. But how do you know where to look for talent in this vast global marketplace? It’s impossible to tap every corner of the world to find the right fit for your company. That's why it's important to identify global talent hubs. Identifying key talent hubs across the world helps in many ways. Once you know each talent hub well, including its pros and cons for compliance costs, time zone differences, etc., you know exactly which talent hub to tap for your next remote employee. 

2. Tailor your job description for remote work

Like any job hiring process, you must begin the process by defining the job role and creating a job description. Be as specific as possible when describing the job role to avoid any confusion. Set clear expectations right from the start. 

3. Assess the candidate’s remote working skills

Finding and hiring the right remote worker is no easy task, even if you’re a seasoned remote recruiter. In addition to technical and job-specific skills, remote workers must demonstrate unique skills. 

  • Ability to prioritize

A great remote worker must be able to prioritize tasks and get things done. They should be able to identify the most important tasks and finish them on time. To assess their prioritization ability, during the interview, ask them questions like, “If you have to report to more than one manager, how will you prioritize?” “How do you organize your work when you have multiple deliverables?”

  • Trustworthiness

Trustworthiness is an important factor when working with remote workers. Experienced recruiters must be able to assess the trustworthiness of their new hires to ensure there won’t be any fallout. 

  • Communication skills

Remote workers must have strong communication skills to collaborate with their remote team members. So during the interview process, pay close attention to how well they are able to express themselves. Also, gauge at their written communication skills by reviewing their email correspondence with you during the interview process.

4. Leverage technology for efficient recruitment

For remote hiring and onboarding remote employees successfully, investing in good technology is a non-negotiable. Here are some essential tools to invest in.

  • Communication software

Clear and transparent communication is essential for any team to operate effectively. There are several video conferencing tools, such as Zoom, Zoho, Skype, etc., that you can use.If your remote employees want to “pop into” their manager’s desk or a colleague's cubicle, instant messaging software comes in handy. Invest in communication tools like Slack, Flock, or Fleep. 

  • Performance management software

Performance management software helps managers monitor their teams' performance. It can be used for performance discussions, employee collaboration, or real-time feedback. Workday and Bamboo HR are popular performance management software. 

  • Project management software

You’ll need some software to assign tasks and monitor progress to ensure all work is on track. Project management software is useful for collaborating on projects, tracking progress, and offering feedback. Some popular project management software are Trello, Asana,, etc. 

5. Set clear expectations

Finally, setting clear expectations is one of the most important tips for hiring remotely. Setting clear goals will help avoid any misunderstandings and facilitate smooth business operations. Certain things to keep in mind while setting goals and expectations

Define clearly the job role. Be specific about the KPIs on which the employee will be evaluated.

While remote work is usually tied to flexibility, specify work hours and time zone requirements, especially if the candidate will be working across different time zones. Be transparent about any flexibility in work hours and whether there are specific times when their presence is required for meetings or collaboration.

Provide information about the tools and software the candidate will be using for their work, including any training resources available to help them get up to speed. Ensure they have access to necessary hardware and software for remote work.

Clearly outline your performance expectations, including key deliverables, deadlines, and quality standards. Discuss how performance will be evaluated and any metrics that will be used to measure success.

Introduce the candidate to your company culture and core values, emphasizing how they align with the organization's mission and goals. Discuss expectations around teamwork, collaboration, and professionalism in a remote work environment.

Explain how feedback will be provided and when performance reviews will take place. Encourage open communication and regular feedback exchanges to address any concerns and ensure ongoing improvement

Clarify any guidelines related to workspace setup, internet connectivity, and security measures.

Ensure that all legal and administrative details, such as employment contracts, compensation packages, benefits, and tax implications, are clearly communicated and documented.

6. Offer compensation and benefits relevant to local standard

Once you have shortlisted an employee, it is time to offer compensation and benefits per the local job market benchmark. Use a global payroll solution for timely payments. For example, Gloroots offers a global payroll solution for remote employees. Gloroots' salary calculator helps you estimate global wages accurately. Global employers use the Gloroots salary calculator to pay employees based on local and regional benchmarks.  

The data in the tool is based on internal surveys conducted with real people from over 45+ countries. Using the tool is easy. Select the country and the job role, and the Gloroots calculator will calculate the compensation you must offer your remote employee. 

The calculator presents the median salary figures for chosen roles in different nations and the percentage difference from a benchmark country like the United States. 

For instance, if you select Brazil and the US for a particular role, it will show Brazil's median salary, the US median salary, and the percentage difference between them. This feature is crucial for employers to make informed compensation decisions, ensuring competitiveness and fairness in the global market.

7. Ensure compliance with local employment laws

One of the biggest risks of hiring remotely is non - compliance with local employment laws. So, you must do your due diligence on local employment laws. Achieving global compliance is important for several reasons:

  • Protect your business against hefty fines

By staying compliant with local labor laws, you can avoid paying undeserved fines and penalties when employing global talent. 

  • Prevent employee misclassification

Each country has laws that regulate the classification of permanent employees and contractors. Partnering with a global compliance partner will help you constantly monitor how you engage with employment relationships. 

  • Uphold the company reputation

Adhering to global compliance help you maintain your company's reputation, fosters trust among stakeholders, and promotes a positive global brand image.

So, before offering employment to remote workers, ensure that you meet all the compliance regulations with the local employment laws. Gloroots makes it easy to onboard the best talent while handling all employment compliances and payroll management.

8. Partner with a global EOR for smoother onboarding

Once the employee accepts your offer, it's time to onboard them. Since remote employees are not physically present at your location, you must meticulously design a remote onboarding program that keeps the remote employees engaged and informed at every stage. Keep all the resources handy and offer support for a smooth onboarding process. Invest in technologies that can further facilitate the onboarding process. Partnering with a global EOR platform like Gloroots ensures smoother onboarding experience. 

9. Use a global payroll solution for timely payments

Ensure employees are paid on time based on their local payroll laws and benefits are properly compensated based on local trends.

Traditionally, the wages of employees are tied to the industry benchmarks set by the labor market. However, remote hiring has disrupted that concept, and there are no unified policies to pay these remote employees. Many employers offer pay based on where each employee lives, while some tie the pay to the company’s operating location. Each method has pros and cons, and choosing one depends on the company and the circumstances. 

Partnering with an EOR platform like Gloroots ensures equity in pay for remote workers. Fair compensation ensures that employees are compensated justly and equitably. Gloroots payroll software is designed to streamline payroll processes for a multi-country workforce. Gloroots ensures that international payrolls are handled precisely and competently, supporting your global expansion journey.

Investing in a global EOR like Gloroots can help you stay compliant and remote employees on a timely basis. 

What makes a great remote recruiter?

Remote recruiting requires extensive experience and hiring skills to find the right fit. The best remote recruiters often demonstrate these skill sets. 

Strong communication skill

Since remote hiring relies heavily on virtual communication tools, a top remote recruiter must excel in written and verbal communication. They should be clear, concise, and able to convey information effectively across various digital platforms.


Proficiency with various digital tools and platforms is essential for remote recruiting. A great remote recruiter should be comfortable using video conferencing software, applicant tracking systems, virtual collaboration tools, and other technologies to facilitate the hiring process.

High on empathy

Building rapport and establishing trust with candidates can be more challenging in a remote setting. A remote recruiter should be able to demonstrate empathy and understanding, making candidates feel valued and supported throughout the hiring journey.


Remote recruiting often requires finding creative solutions to overcome obstacles and limitations. A remote recruiter must have problem-solving skills and should be able to leverage available resources to identify and attract top talent, even in competitive markets.


Remote recruiting comes with its own set of challenges and uncertainties. A successful remote recruiter needs to be adaptable and can quickly pivot strategies or adjust to changing circumstances to ensure the hiring process remains smooth and efficient.

Good organizational skill

Remote hiring processes can involve managing multiple tasks, schedules, and candidates simultaneously. A skilled remote recruiter is highly organized, able to prioritize effectively and keep track of important details throughout the hiring process.

Hire Remote Workers Seamlessly With Gloroots

Remote hiring can help in business expansion while tapping the vast talent pool across the globe. However, remote hiring can be daunting, even for the most seasoned recruiters. Partnering with Gloroots, a leading EOR platform, can help you onboard remote hires to your team. While the system is fast and efficient, it’s compliant completely, allows you to pay your remote employees timely, and avoid non-compliance issues. 


How to ensure culture fit?

To ensure culture fit in remote hiring, utilize video interviews to gauge interpersonal dynamics and alignment with company values, and involve team members in the interview process to assess collaboration potential.

Which tools can streamline the hiring process?

  • Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)
  • Video Interviewing tools
  • Collaboration and Communication Platforms
  • Online Assessment Platforms
  • Background Check Services
  • Virtual Whiteboarding Tools
  • Reference Checking Software
  • Onboarding Software
  • EOR platforms

How to onboard remote employees effectively? 

To onboard remote employees effectively, provide comprehensive digital resources and training materials, pair them with a mentor for guidance, and schedule regular check-ins to foster connection and address any challenges.

What is remote hiring?

In remote hiring, employers hire employees working from a remote location—either their home or a coworking space. 

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