HR & Compliance

Global HR Compliance Mistakes

Global HR Compliance Mistakes
Written by
Mayank Bhutoria,
September 23, 2024

Key Takeaways

Know the difference between employees and contractors to avoid legal trouble.

Understand and follow local laws to ensure fair treatment and avoid penalties.

Verify visas and work permits to meet legal requirements for international hires.


Hiring employees can be an exciting part of growing a company, but it’s important to do it right. Just like you wouldn’t start a new game without knowing the rules, you shouldn’t hire someone without understanding the laws that protect workers. When companies don’t follow these rules, they can get into serious trouble. Let’s look at four common HR compliance mistakes companies make and learn how to avoid them.

Mistake 1: Employee Misclassification

What is Employee Misclassification?

Imagine you’re on a sports team, but instead of being treated like a player, you’re treated like a fan. This is similar to what happens when companies misclassify their workers. Employees are supposed to receive certain benefits, like health insurance, paid time off, and a regular salary. However, if a company misclassifies an employee as an independent contractor, they might not provide these benefits.

Read More: Employee Misclassification Risk Calculator - Gloroots

Why is This a Problem?

Misclassifying employees can lead to big problems. It’s unfair to the workers who miss out on important benefits, and it can get the company in trouble with the law. Governments take this seriously because it affects the rights of workers and the collection of taxes.

Uncover more: Employee Misclassification Penalties: Know the Risks (

How to Avoid This Mistake

To avoid misclassification, companies need to understand the differences between an employee and an independent contractor. An employee works for the company and receives benefits, while a contractor is hired for a specific project or task and usually doesn’t get the same benefits. Make sure you know which category your workers fall into!

Uncover More: Employee vs. Contractor Misclassification (

Mistake 2: Violating Employment Laws

What Are Employment Laws?

Think of employment laws like the rules of a game that everyone must follow to keep things fair. These laws include rules about how much you should be paid, how many hours you can work, and what benefits you should get.

Find out more: Co-employment Risks and How to Avoid Them (

Why Are These Laws Important?

Employment laws protect workers by ensuring they are treated fairly. For example, there are laws that set a minimum wage so that everyone gets paid a fair amount for their work. There are also laws that protect workers from being fired without a good reason or require employers to provide a safe working environment.

How to Stay Compliant

To stay on the right side of the law, companies must learn and follow the employment laws in their area. This might mean checking the local laws about pay, work hours, and safety standards. It’s like knowing the rules of the game so you can play fairly and avoid penalties.

Mistake 3: Ignoring Employee Rights

What Are Employee Rights?

Employee rights are like the guidelines that make sure everyone on the team is treated with respect. These rights include things like the right to be paid fairly, to work in a safe environment, and to have time off when needed.

Why Are Employee Rights Important?

Employee rights are important because they ensure workers are treated well and have a fair chance to succeed. If companies ignore these rights, they risk creating an unhappy and unproductive workplace, which can lead to more problems down the line, including legal action.

Get more information: How to Choose the Right EOR Platform | Ultimate Guide (

How to Protect Employee Rights

To protect employee rights, companies should make sure they follow all relevant laws and provide a safe and fair workplace. This means paying workers on time, offering the right benefits, and making sure the workplace is free from hazards. It’s like making sure every player on the team has the gear they need to play safely and well.

Mistake 4: Failing to Meet Immigration and Visa Requirements

What Are Immigration and Visa Requirements?

Think of immigration and visa requirements like the entry tickets to an event. If someone doesn’t have the right ticket, they can’t get in. Similarly, if a company hires someone from another country, they need to make sure that person has the correct visa and work permit.

Why Are These Requirements Important?

These requirements are important because they make sure that people are working legally. If a company doesn’t follow these rules, they could face fines, legal action, or even have their workers sent back to their home country.

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How to Comply with Immigration Laws

To comply with immigration laws, companies should make sure all employees have the right to work in the country. This means checking visas and work permits and keeping up to date with any changes in the law. It’s like making sure everyone has their ticket before the game starts so there are no surprises.


Hiring employees is like building a strong team. To do it right, you need to know the rules and follow them closely. By avoiding these common HR compliance mistakes, companies can create a fair, safe, and successful workplace. Remember, a well-treated employee is a happy and productive one!

If you need help navigating HR compliance, don’t hesitate to speak to an expert to make sure you’re on the right track. Contact us today!


1. What is employee misclassification, and why is it a problem?

Employee misclassification occurs when a company labels a worker as an independent contractor instead of an employee. This can lead to the worker missing out on benefits like health insurance, paid time off, and proper tax contributions. It also exposes the company to legal risks and potential penalties.

2. How can companies avoid violating employment laws?

Companies should stay updated on local employment laws regarding pay, work hours, and benefits. To stay compliant, it's crucial to review legal requirements regularly and ensure workplace safety standards are maintained.

3. What rights do employees have that companies must protect?

Employees have the right to fair pay, a safe working environment, time off, and benefits. Companies must adhere to these rights to create a positive workplace, avoid legal issues, and retain productive workers.

4. Why is it important to comply with immigration and visa requirements?

Following immigration and visa rules ensures that international employees are legally permitted to work in a country. Failing to comply can result in fines, legal actions, and the deportation of workers.

5. What steps can companies take to ensure compliance with immigration laws?

Companies should verify that all foreign employees have valid visas and work permits, and stay up to date with immigration laws in the countries where they operate. This helps avoid legal complications and ensures the business operates legally.

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