Remote Working Guide

An Overview of Global Employee and Independent Contractor Benefits

An Overview of Global Employee and Independent Contractor Benefits
Written by
Mayank Bhutoria,
October 16, 2024

Key Takeaways

  1. Employee benefits vary across countries, balancing between mandatory and supplemental offerings for talent retention.
  2. Contractors offer flexibility with cost-saving advantages, as they don’t require employer-provided benefits.
  3. Trends in 2024 include financial wellness, mental health support, and workplace flexibility to attract top talent.


The way companies work with talent is changing fast. As technology paves the way for remote and hybrid working models, businesses are no longer confined by geography. This has opened up opportunities for hiring independent contractors, freelancers, and full-time remote employees from around the globe.

Why are so many companies looking beyond their borders? The benefits are plenty: broader talent pools, diverse perspectives, and cost efficiencies. But with these advantages come challenges; particularly when it comes to offering the right benefits to a global workforce. This guide will help you understand what employee and independent contractor benefits look like across different regions, and how you can leverage them to build a strong, motivated global team.

What Are Employee Benefits?

Employee benefits refer to non-wage compensation provided to employees in addition to their salaries. These can range from healthcare coverage, retirement plans, and paid time off to supplementary benefits like gym memberships or childcare support.

However, what is considered a “benefit” can vary significantly across borders. In some countries, like Germany or Brazil, health insurance and social security are part of a mandatory benefits package. In others, such as the United States, companies have more flexibility and are not required to provide these benefits unless they choose to. Knowing the benefits landscape in each region is crucial for global companies to ensure compliance and attract the best talent.

Read More: How to Hire International Employees (

Statutory Benefits vs. Supplemental Benefits

Employee benefits generally fall into two categories:

  • Statutory Benefits: These are legally mandated benefits that every employer must provide. They often include health insurance, social security, pension contributions, and paid leave.
  • Supplemental Benefits: These are voluntary benefits that go beyond what’s legally required, such as additional health insurance coverage, bonuses, and wellness programs.

Let’s delve deeper into some key benefits provided to employees globally:

Global Employee Benefits: What Do They Look Like?

United Kingdom

The UK has a comprehensive healthcare system known as the National Health Service (NHS), which offers free healthcare to residents. Employees are entitled to paid sick leave, parental leave, and workplace pension contributions. This makes healthcare less of a concern for employers in terms of benefits packages, allowing them to focus on supplemental benefits like flexible working hours or additional insurance options.


Germany operates a blended system of public and private insurance. Employers must contribute to health insurance, pension plans, and unemployment insurance. Statutory benefits are extensive, but companies often offer extra perks like travel allowances or wellness programs to stand out in the competitive job market.


Brazil’s universal healthcare system provides free medical care to all, even tourists and expatriates. Employers are required to offer a minimum wage, annual leave, maternity leave, and other statutory benefits. In addition, many companies provide private health insurance to supplement the public system.

These are just a few examples. Each country has unique benefits requirements, making it essential for companies to understand local regulations when expanding internationally.

Who Are Independent Contractors?

While companies must navigate local labor laws for employees, the landscape shifts when working with independent contractors. Independent contractors are professionals hired to deliver services based on specific projects or contracts. Unlike full-time employees, they have more autonomy and can work with multiple clients at once.

Key Characteristics of Independent Contractors:

  1. Control and Autonomy: Contractors decide how, where, and when they work. Employers cannot dictate their schedule or work methods.
  2. Payment Structure: Contractors are often paid per project or deliverable, not by the hour or month like traditional employees.
  3. Tools and Equipment: They typically use their own tools and resources, unlike employees, who rely on employer-provided equipment.
  4. Multiple Clients: Contractors often work for several clients simultaneously and don’t have an exclusive commitment to any one employer.

Benefits of Hiring Independent Contractors

With the rise of remote work, many companies are choosing independent contractors over full-time employees. Why? Here are some key reasons:

  1. Flexibility and Scalability
    Independent contractors provide a flexible option for companies to scale their workforce according to project needs. For example, if you need a content writer for a six-month campaign or a software developer for a short-term project, hiring a contractor allows you to access these skills without the commitment of a permanent hire.
  2. Cost Savings
    Hiring independent contractors can lead to significant cost savings. You don’t have to worry about providing statutory benefits like healthcare or retirement contributions. Additionally, contractors usually work remotely, which means no need to invest in office space or equipment.
  3. Access to Global Talent
    By hiring contractors, companies can tap into a diverse global talent pool. Need a multilingual content writer for a European marketing campaign or an IT specialist for a new product launch? Independent contractors offer the flexibility to find the right expertise without being limited by geography.
  4. Faster Market Entry
    Contractors with local expertise can help you navigate new markets quickly. For instance, if you’re entering the Japanese market, hiring local contractors can provide insights into consumer behavior, regulatory requirements, and more.
  5. Reduced Risk
    Independent contractors are responsible for their own taxes, insurance, and benefits. This reduces legal and financial risks for employers, as long as the relationship is managed correctly.

Trends in Global Employee Benefits for 2024

The demand for employee benefits is constantly evolving. Here are some trends to watch for in 2024:

  • Financial Wellness Programs
    More companies are offering financial counseling, debt management programs, and budgeting tools to support employees’ financial health. A survey by Benefex found that 65% of employees value their organization’s efforts to support financial wellness.
  • Workplace Flexibility
    Flexible working conditions remain a top priority. In fact, a 2022 CIPD report revealed that 4 million employees in the UK switched jobs to gain more flexibility. This trend is set to continue in 2024, making flexibility a key differentiator for employers.
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing
    As mental health becomes a growing concern, companies are adding benefits like counseling and wellness programs. This includes mental health days, therapy sessions, and comprehensive employee assistance programs (EAPs).
  • Health and Wellness Benefits
    Health insurance remains a top benefit, even in countries where healthcare is provided by the government. Supplemental health insurance, gym memberships, and wellness stipends are increasingly offered to attract top talent.

Building a Strong Benefits Package

To create an effective benefits package, businesses must understand both statutory requirements and employee preferences. Here are some tips:

  1. Conduct Market Research
    Understand what benefits are mandatory and what employees in a particular region value the most.
  2. Leverage Global Employment Partners
    Partnering with an Employer of Record (EOR) like Gloroots helps you manage compliance, payroll, and benefits administration. This makes it easier to provide a competitive benefits package without setting up a legal entity in each country.
  3. Create Custom Packages
    While statutory benefits are non-negotiable, supplemental benefits should be tailored to the needs of your employees. For example, offering parental leave, mental health support, or flexible working hours can make a big difference.


Understanding the complexities of global employee and contractor benefits is essential for building a motivated, compliant, and effective team. By offering the right mix of statutory and supplemental benefits, companies can attract and retain top talent while ensuring compliance with local laws.

Partner with Gloroots to streamline your global hiring process and create a comprehensive benefits package that meets the needs of your diverse workforce. Ready to get started? Contact us today for a demo and see how we can help your business scale globally with ease!


  1. What are statutory employee benefits?

Statutory benefits are legally mandated, such as health insurance, social security, and paid leave, varying by country.

  1. How do independent contractors differ from employees?

Contractors have more flexibility, manage their own taxes and benefits, and are typically paid per project, not salary.

  1. Why should companies hire independent contractors?

Contractors offer cost savings, scalability, and access to global talent without the obligation of providing statutory benefits.

  1. What trends are shaping employee benefits in 2024?

Key trends include financial wellness programs, workplace flexibility, and mental health support, helping employers attract and retain talent.

  1. How can Gloroots help with global employee benefits?

Gloroots offers global employment solutions, managing compliance, payroll, and benefits for businesses without setting up local entities.

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