Remote working Guide

10 Benefits of Remote Working for Employers and Employees

10 Benefits of Remote Working for Employers and Employees
Written by
Mayank Bhutoria,
August 30, 2024

Key Takeaways

Remote working benefits both employers and employees by providing flexibility, reducing costs, and increasing productivity, making it a popular work model.

Employers can access a global talent pool and reduce expenses on office space and utilities by implementing remote work policies.

Employees gain more job opportunities, save time on commuting, and achieve a better work-life balance, enhancing overall job satisfaction and well-being.

Working from home has become a common and popular way to work. What used to be just an option for a few people has now become a normal part of our work lives. Whether it's called remote working, workplace remote, or freelancing, more and more companies and workers are choosing to work from home. But why is this happening? What makes remote working so great? Let’s explore the 10 key benefits of working from home for both employers and employees, and see how it can make work better for everyone.

5 Benefits of Remote Working for Employers

Access to a Broader Pool of Talent

One of the biggest advantages for companies that allow remote working is that they can hire people from all over the world, not just from their local area. This means companies can choose the best person for the job, even if they live in a different country. Think about it like this: companies use websites like Upwork to find talented people from different countries. This way, they can find the perfect person for the job, no matter where they live.

You can learn more about the challenges and strategies for hiring remote employees here.

Cost Savings

Running an office can be very expensive. You need to pay for rent, electricity, and office supplies like pens and paper. But when employees work from home, companies can save a lot of money because they don’t need as much office space or as many supplies. Imagine saving thousands of dollars each year just because people are working from home! Some businesses even save around $11,000 per employee every year when they let them work remotely.

Explore more on how to effectively manage costs while paying remote employees.

Increased Productivity

People often work better when they are allowed to work from home. Without the distractions of a busy office, like loud conversations or unexpected meetings, many workers find it easier to focus and get their tasks done faster. This means they can be more productive, which is great for the company. A study showed that people who work remotely are 5 to 9% more productive because they can set up their workspace just the way they like it, which helps them focus better.

This increase in productivity also ties into the realities of remote work as discussed in this Harvard Business Review article.

Reduced Office Politics and Bias

In a traditional office, sometimes people might feel left out or treated differently because of office politics or biases. When people work from home, there is less focus on things like who’s friends with whom or how someone looks. Instead, what matters most is how well they do their job. By focusing more on work results and less on appearances, remote working can help reduce office drama and make sure everyone is treated fairly.

Improved Diversity and Inclusion

Remote working makes it easier for companies to hire a diverse group of people. This means they can hire people from different backgrounds, cultures, and abilities. When companies have a diverse team, they often find new ideas and ways of working that help them grow and succeed. For example, a company that hires remote workers from different parts of the world can benefit from a mix of perspectives, which can lead to more creative problem-solving and innovation.

Read about the benefits of managing a remote workforce to ensure diversity and inclusion are prioritized.

5 Benefits of Remote Working for Employees

Flexible Work Schedule 

One of the best things about working from home is that it allows people to have a flexible work schedule. This means employees can choose when they want to work, as long as they get their job done. For example, a freelancer on Upwork might choose to work at night if that’s when they feel most productive, or during the day if they have other things to take care of in the evening. This flexibility helps people balance their work and personal life better.

Customized Work Environment 

When you work from home, you can set up your workspace just the way you like it. Whether it’s a quiet room, a standing desk, or a cozy corner with your favorite chair, you can create a space that helps you work your best. Some people find they work better when they can choose their environment, like setting up their desk near a window to enjoy natural light while they work.

Learn how to optimize your workspace and productivity in this guide for remote employees.

Lower Cost of Living 

Commuting to work every day can be expensive. You might have to pay for gas, bus tickets, or even a train ride. But working from home saves money on commuting, and you also don’t need to live in a big, expensive city to have a good job. For instance, someone working remotely can live in a more affordable area and still earn a good salary, helping them save money on rent and other living expenses.

Time Efficiency 

When you work from home, you don’t have to spend time commuting, which means you have more time to do the things you love. Whether it’s spending time with family, exercising, or working on hobbies, you can make better use of your day. On average, remote workers save about 72 minutes a day by not having to commute. That’s more than an extra hour every day that they can use for other activities or to focus more on their work.

Access to More Opportunities 

Working from home opens up a lot of opportunities that might not be available if you had to go to an office every day. You can apply for jobs with companies located anywhere in the world, which means you can find a job that matches your skills and interests perfectly. For example, a graphic designer might find a freelance job with a company in another country through websites like Upwork, without ever needing to leave their home.

Environmental Impact of Remote Working

Not only does working from home help people and companies, but it’s also better for the environment. When fewer people drive to work every day, there’s less traffic, which means less pollution in the air. Also, companies use less energy when there aren’t as many people in the office. Imagine if millions of people worked from home just half the time, this could reduce pollution by the same amount as taking hundreds of thousands of cars off the road for a year!

Explore more about the challenges of managing remote employees and how to address them effectively.

Manage Your Global Team with Gloroots

Running a team that’s spread out across different countries isn’t just about hiring people online. You need to make sure that everyone works well together, hires the best people for each job, and keeps track of how they’re doing all while following the rules in each country.

Gloroots makes this easy. With their platform, you can hire, onboard, and pay employees in over 160 countries without any hassle. Plus, they help you stay on top of all the local laws, so you don’t have to worry about getting things wrong. Book a demo today to see how Gloroots can help you build and manage a global team smoothly!


Working from home, also known as remote working, is becoming more common because of its many benefits. Whether you’re an employer looking to save money and increase productivity, or an employee looking for more flexibility and better work-life balance, remote working offers something for everyone. It allows people to create a work environment that suits them best, access more job opportunities, and even help the planet by reducing pollution.

As more companies and workers see these benefits, it’s clear that remote working is here to stay. Whether you’re working as a freelancer on Upwork, starting a remote job with a new company, or simply enjoying the flexibility of a work-from-home schedule, remote working can make life better for everyone involved.

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